
Monday, October 18, 2010

Samsung Galaxy 3 (i5801)- My Android Companion! (Now with FroYo)

Android OS is for smart people? I would like to think so, now that I have purchased a smokin’ hot Android Smartphone for myself! ;)

UPDATE 1: Looking for the coolest Android Apss to try on your phone? Find them here

UPDATE 2: At last, Samsung has released an Android 2.2 (FroYo) update for our beloved Galaxy 3! Simply fire up Kies, connect your phone, and let Kies search for available updates. 

Samsung Galaxy 3 (i5801) is targeted at medium-budget market and comes with Android v2.1, codenamed - Éclair. The next update (2.2, FroYo) is keenly anticipated and my phone supports that too! (Android is an Operating System for mobiles btw, similar to how Windows is for PCs)

For someone who had NEVER used a Smartphone before, let alone Android, this phone surprised me in many instances.  Touchscreen navigation was a breeze to use with no noticeable lag, and menus were placed intuitively and logically.  Colorful icons and animations aptly complemented the fast speed. Moreover, the phone offers plenty of customization to make it a showcase of your creativity. An open playground for tech-curious minds to fiddle around!

Hardware and features

Hardware-wise, Galaxy 3 comes with a 667 Mhz processor, 256 MB RAM, 3.2” Capacitive touch screen, 3G, Bluetooth, and WiFi-n, along with a 3.2 MP cam with autofocus (but no Flash). The smartphone supports external memory up to 32 GB and comes with a free 2 GB SD card. Sweet!  

The front body is metallic glossy and can even be used as a handy mirror! :) It’s a fingerprint magnet though. The back of the phone is plastic, which admittedly doesn’t look that good. Overall, the phone is compact and lightweight...and yet provides a firm grip and gives a nice feeling when held in hands. It also comes with an accelerometer and proximity sensor but has no dedicated camera key, which is really a shame.    

Galaxy 3 is exceptionally feature-rich for the price bracket (around 12k at the time of purchase). It offers multi-touch, GPS, Google Maps, Web browser with Adobe Flash support, pinch-zoom capability and text reflow, FM radio, superb audio player supporting 5.1 channel virtualization (in headphone mode) and equalizer, built-in DivX and XViD video playback support, Think Free office, which can read and edit Ms Office and PDF docs, Voice recorder, Layer browser, Swype and seamless integration with all Google services (Android is Goggle’s baby after all).   

The world of Apps!

Now let's talk about the thing that separates this phone from the other 'normal' phones…Apps!

The ability of customization and availability of numerous productivity apps/tools was among my primary requirement while purchasing a ‘Smartphone’. Android offers a HUGE HUGE HUGE variety of apps on the Market. In fact, the number of 'free' apps is the largest in the Android market compared to other stores, including Apple's App Store for iPhone / iPod Touch.

Apps, (short for applications), are pieces of code that add/enhance the functionality of your base Android device. Using apps, you can customize your phone as per your liking. Don’t like the default appearance of the clock? Want something more retro-looking? Download one freely from thousands of available clock apps! If you wish to record your phone calls, add dazzling effects to your cam photos, stream music from international FM stations (and police stations!) and even record them, use PC keyboard for entering text on mobile etc, there is an app for each of this…basically, an app for anything and everything! Well, not *everything*, but it's close! ;)

There are brain and puzzle games, sports, lifestyle, multimedia, and reference apps, finance and healthcare apps (you can measure your heartbeat rate), utility and productivity apps and some downright fun apps (there is this talking cat that mimics all that you say) and many many more. Some apps like Compass and Google Maps can prove extremely useful when you are lost in the city and don’t know where to go. You can jot down notes, take pictures, and sync this data to / fro your PC, all while on the move. You can also add widgets, sticky notes, and reminders on the screens and make your phone a feature-rich PDA, personalized and perfected!

It is easy to see that Android OS gives you the feel of desktop usage with all this customization. Since it also supports multitasking, you can use it as a mini-replacement for Netbook/laptop etc.   

I also have rooted (hacked, in other words) my i5801 to enable LIVE (interactive) Wallpapers and to benefit from super user apps. Rooting essentially gives you full control over virtually all aspects of the OS and you can tinker around with your phone with no access restrictions.   

Fielding complaints…

One complaint that is often thrown at Galaxy 3 is its apparently low-resolution screen (WQVGA, 240 x 400 pixels) . People spoilt by iPhone and the like are OBVIOUSLY gonna get disappointed, but they need to understand that i5801 costs 1/3 of the iPhone’s cost. Personally, I didn’t come across a single popular app that refused to run on my phone due to supposedly low resolution. On the other hand, HTC Wildfire, its direct competitor, definitely suffers from extremely low resolution and it restricts the app usage.

i5801 is, however, woefully incapable of playing heavy-duty 3D games and will not play HD (720p and above) videos too. I was disappointed only with the latter because as far as 3D gaming is concerned, I have PC and even better, a PS3! HD playback would have been welcome, but again, it's something too much to ask from a 12k device. Apart from that, general video playback is flawless with no lag or sync issues. Additionally, due to a (relatively) fast processor and plenty of RAM, the speed was never a bother for me. Indeed, if you open 10 apps at the same time and then experience sluggishness, it's not the phone’s fault.

The phone’s screen visibility isn’t very impressive under sunlight. You need to increase the brightness level all the way UP to have a decent readability. A slight annoyance if most of your time is spent outside.

Battery backup could prove to be a little troublesome as well. This is an especially glaring problem as my last phone, SE K810i Cyber-shot, had excellent battery backup. With some tweaks and judicious use of task killers, I have managed to extend the battery life to a tolerant degree.

Summing up...

  • 3.2” Capacitive touch screen with multi-touch, auto-rotate, and proximity sensor
  • Plenty of connectivity options (GPRS Class 12, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi-n, GPS, Mini USB)
  • Android 2.1 (Éclair) OS, upgradable to 2.2 (FroYo)
  • Built-in Swype and Think Free Office (which are otherwise paid apps)
  • Fast Android web browser with Flash, text reflow, and pinch-zoom capabilities
  • Excellent music player with 5.1-ch virtualization and many Equalizer presets
  • Video player with out-of-the-box DivX / XviD support
  • Stereo FM Radio and 3.2 MP Autofocus cam supporting various modes
  • Extremely economical: all the above features for less than 12k !!
  •  Poor screen visibility under sunlight
  • Battery backup could prove problematic (but can be improved with some tweaks)
  • Incapable of playing 3D games and 720p+ HD videos
  • No camera flash and no hardware camera key
  • Somewhat spotty GPS (can be rectified using the GPSOpt app from the Market)
All in all, I am IMMENSELY satisfied with my purchase and would recommend Galaxy 3 to anyone looking for the BEST Value for Money Smartphone and/or who wishes to dive into the vast expanses of Android using a compact device!


Anonymous said...

Very informative review. Covers all aspects and has all my qs answered. Love the language flow. Thanks PlayPlus pal :)

Anonymous said...

Very Nice review friend. Thanks a lot. I guess I will go ahead and buy it after all :-)

Vishu Rai said...

+100 to you my friend
very nice and impressive review
But you havent mentioned about the WiFi connectivity of this phone.

PlayPlus said...

Hi Vishu,

Since I have router at my home, I never experienced any sort of problems with WiFi connectivity. Outdoors, it can auto detect the available networks (this setting can be toggled), and offers a relatively stable connection.

dreatica said...

Great review :) I am loving android.

Anonymous said...

Good review,specially the hardware specification are very rare to find,,,....

Anonymous said...

very good review, i have few concern with this phone 1. less Internal memory (ie. only 160 MB) and there is not in-build solution for Apps installation in SD card. 2. In 3G network it will support WCDMA mode which slower than HSPA technology.

PlayPlus said...

Hello Anonymous^!

Glad you liked the review. About your concerns:

1. Less internal memory could prove problematic considering the ever-growing and fascinating Apps out there. I keep on testing new ones and keep only those that I actually use / need to show-off etc! :D

Inability to move to SDCard is not phone-specific problem but limitation of Eclair. With Android 2.2 FroYo update or a custom Mod/ ROM, we should be able to use apps2SD and similar apps.

2. Haven't yet enabled 3G on my handset, so cant comment on the speed. However, I checked the official specs and it says "3G HSDPA 3.6Mbps". All third party sites also confirm availability Dual band HSDPA.

Anonymous said...

loved the well-written review and practical analysis. I agree this is a really smart and cool phone for smart people and a wise purchase too, amongst other tooo fancy and tooo costly devices. though i may not have one bt i hav handled one enough to knw whats it abt. a well written blog for general public but yet so go boy!!

Anonymous said...

good review...but are u sure dat froyo s gonna come to galaxy 3????even samsung didn confirm it...seems like only top end models ll get froyo upgrade(like galaxy S)....even im waitin for FROYO!!!!

Anonymous said...

heard tat froyo improves ur phone performance too!!!!n android has too much apps...without froyo u cant save it to ur memmory card..sad na??:(:(:(
overall phone is nice...

PlayPlus said...

Samsung in fact HAS confirmed the FroYo update for Galaxy 3.

"We are not confirmed on the dates. However, galaxy3 will get froyo update simultaneously."


And you don't *need* FroYo update for saving apps to SDCard. Custom ROMS / Mods can also do the same job, example being Samdroid mod for Galaxy Spica. Sadly, there is no such mod for Galaxy 3 yet..

avi said...

Hi dude really nice review. Loved it. BTW I am from chip. Here are my queries
1. Is this phone lags if I open 3-4 apps ? [Just 3 to 4 or at max 5, like Opera Browser, FB, Ebook Reader etc]
2. "Battery backup could prove problematic (but can be improved with some tweaks)" - Can you please mention these ?

PlayPlus said...

Hello Avi!

Thanks for your remarks. About your queries:

1. Android OS is programmed to efficiently manage multi-tasking. Unless some app / program is required to utilize most of the system resources (some games, video decoding, Flash content etc) I do not think the phone should lag. We will consider 2 scenarios:

a. Lets say you open Opera (and browse times of india mobile), FB and ebook reader simultaneously. Since they all are relatively lightweight apps, you will not experience lag. But if you try to play a video, there are chances playback will stutter.

b. Now, if you try to access website with heavy Flash content, ads and pics (, along with other apps, you WILL experience lag during the time the site loads.

So the bottom line is, you will experience lag only while multitasking with 'heavy' apps. For day-to-day usage of browsing and social networking, the phone performs satisfactorily.

2. Here are some of things you can try to extend the battery life:

- Turn off WiFi, GPRS, GPS and Blue tooth when
not in use
- Turn off Haptic feedback (vibration on
- Decrease brightness levels to 50% or less
- Use fewer amounts of Widgets on home screens,
avoid using live widgets such as Weather
- Do not use Task Killers to kill programs
which automatically re-start
- Optimize the battery life by draining battery
completely and then charging it fully again.
Do this once in 2 months or so.
- Try testing apps such as Juice Defender (it
worked wonder for me)

avi said...

thanks a lot for replying !

if all goes fine then I will be buying phone within diwali :)

one more - please let us know the apps you use. or a separate blog post for 'android apps' & it will be helpful to all !

Unknown said...

- Do not use Task Killers to kill programs
which automatically re-start?
Does it help to save more power?
Is there a way to close a program without task killer programs?
Thanks a lot.

PlayPlus said...

Android automatically closes programs that aren't in use, so theoretically one should not need to use Task Killer at all. However, in practice, it has been observed that some apps keep on occupying memory space which may result into other apps slowing down, especially the ones requiring more processing power and memory. Therefore, judicious use of Task Killers is recommended.

If you are habitual to kill programs at the press a of button, you will observe that some programs automatically restart after a while. A quick glace at the currently running apps should give you an idea WHAT these programs are (& you can also take help of Autorun-killer app). So, if you keep on killing them, the processor has to waste more computing cycles first killing and then re-launching. This of course consumes power, and it adds up depending upon the number of apps you kill and your frequency of killing them.

Therefore, you will need to EXCLUDE some of the apps from the Task Killer list to save power. For achieving fine control over apps, I would recommend 'Watchdog' app from the Market, although its recommended for advanced users only.

Anonymous said...

hey there....
thnx for such a nice review on the phone but seeing the cons i m vry disappointed with phone, as i m fond of gaming try to play new games but it lacks 3d games as which is not very important as i say but needed in phones of these types secondly the camera having no flash seems to b most disappointing fact n the battery backup also besides of the fact it has multi-touch auto rotate etc etc.. features n most imp. thing android apps.. we lik thm vry much these days
but now samsung has also launched samsung wave723 having bada os with same price range giving 5mp cam with flash gud battery backup no glossy finish which gives prob in sunlight having gud res. hving almost same features like sam g3

so.. i want to ask it is better to go with that or samsung g3 is still better ..??
the only fact tht it doesn't support android but having features better than g3.
now wht i shud do...?? i m little bit confuse in these 2..??!!!

PlayPlus said...

Since you said lack of camera flash is the "most disappointing" factor in G3, I would suggest you to go for Wave 723, which is a great snapper with 5 MP cam and LED Flash.

* About other concerns:

- In terms of gaming, both W723 and G3 are more or less equal. While G3 can't play ALL 3D games, it still will play some, like Raging Thunder. It also has tremendous variety of 2D games which are as good or better than 3D (such as Angry Birds)

- Battery backup isn't as problematic if you follow guidelines given in the comments above.

pushpak said...

and what about the lag the phone takes to transform from portrait mode to landscape mode i find that a tad annoying.

Anonymous said...

thnx for ur comment on samsung wave 723 but my prob is tht shud i go for bada os or not ? coz it is new now and we doesn't find much apps in it as well android are vry much popular for the apps ....

so... wht i chose android or bada os ?

PlayPlus said...

See, I like to install and test various apps on my phone and that ways I never get bored with my device. Therefore, I personally will choose Android over BADA any day. Its been many months now since the launch of BADA and still we don't see BADA store picking up, meanwhile Android Market keeps on getting bigger! :)

Anonymous said...

ok thnk u vry much for ur suggestion now i wil only go for samsung galaxy 3 thnx once again n not think abt bada os nymore

Anonymous said...

Hi PlayPlus, does Samsung G3 has front camera for video calling?? also does it has slow 3G?(slower HSDPA??) And does it also has turn by turn GPS navigation or do we need to get any app for that??

I found Ndrive app in LG Optimus(GT540). In the same way do we have any good navigators for G3?

$umit said...

i love galaxy 3(i5800) phone and going to buy this month..
but i was wondering that, can it make a video call using the primary camera..!!
i am in dilemma bcoz many other phone like sony eric's (T715) does not hv secondary (front) camera but then also they hv option to "make a video call"..
plz help me out.. bcoz now a days not to hv video call is less fun..

Anonymous said...

Awesome review my friend. Thank you.

You mentioned that you rooted the i5801, I have been trying for a couple of months but have been unsuccessful. Can you provide the steps that you followed ? Thanks.

PlayPlus said...

* Does Samsung G3 has front camera for video calling??
- Nope.

* also does it has slow 3G?(slower HSDPA??)
- HSDPA with download rates up to 3.6 Mbps. Didn't read users complaining it is "slow" for daily use.

* And does it also has turn by turn GPS navigation or do we need to get any app for that??
- You can try Waze app for turn-by-turn navigation. nDrive is also available for G3, but in Java.

* can it make a video call using the primary camera..!!
- I did not come across any video calling app that’s compatible with Galaxy 3.

* Can you provide the steps that you followed
- For rooting the phone, I followed steps given in this thread:
- Specific post:

Anonymous said...

thank you for your reply..
Lack of front camera some what disappoints me..but, what are that round dots(2 dots i can see) in the front top left side of the device(above the name Samsung in the front)

avadhut said...

this link says samsung G3(i5801) can play 720p+ HD videos

Mitesh said...

Great review -

I really need some feedback from you on the GPS - Samsung phones are notoriously bad in terms of GPS functionality (S, Wave etc.)

Do you use GPS regularly on your G3? Does it get a fix properly and in time? Finally is it a workable/reliable solution for using in car for long drives?

Thanks buddy

Anonymous said...

is there any one has used samsung galaxy 3 for 1 month. i have heard that it slows down in speed and battery back up and also that it wont get froyo update

PlayPlus said...

1. @avadhut

From my first hand exp, I can tell you that it does NOT play 720p+ vids. BTW, on the same page, the specs for the camera are given as 3 MP, but in reality, on the phone camera interface, you can see that it is actually 3.2 MP! Bottom line, sometimes even official specs aren't correct! ;)

2. @Mitesh

True. GPS is a hit-n-miss affair for G3. There is a fix available in the market, but even then the reports are mixed. It works like a charm for some, but not so for others. I myself do not use GPS extensively, so cannot comment over its performance in car for long drives. I recommend reading more user opinions regarding the same issue.

3. About battery backup and FroYo update status, do read my comments above. And no, the phone won't automatically slow down after 1 month's usage! I should know as I have been using it since 2 months now.. :)

Anonymous said...

what are the best known apps??

PlayPlus said...


Most popular / top ranking apps are neatly categorized for your perusal.

Anonymous said...

I am using this phone for about one month. It is charming. But one problem that is annoying me is setting the wallpaper. It asks us to crop the wallpaper and am not able to set my pics as a whole as wallpaper.Also it extends the wallpaper for all the home screens. Can I have different wallpaper for different home screens?

PlayPlus said...

Use Flikie Wallpapers app. Not only does it offer a vast collection of really cool wallpapers, but it appropriately sets the desired image as wallpaer wihtout needing the crop. You can also save these images locally.

No, I do not think you can use different wallpapers for different home screens.

Anonymous said...


Excellent review. Was looking at buying a smartphone myself (my first). Zeroed in on Wave (not available anywhere sadly) and read about Galaxy 3. Have some basic requirements on web surfing (not much into social networking) and accessing stock market sites that are heavy on Java. Can you please let me know if such sites like BSE / NSE are easily accessible on the phone. My budget was less than 20K and wanted a 1st smartphone that would be atleast feature rich and upgradabale to the next OS versions. Bottomline would be very happy to know if you would recommend this or any other phone that may have caught your eye in this range. Many thanks


PlayPlus said...

Galaxy 3 features "Daily Briefing" which has Yahoo Finance widget. You can add stocks and remain updated. A high speed data connection helps in this regard.

You can access BSE / NSE sites from G3 comfortably, complete with tickers. I just checked this on Dolphin Browser HD.

* Alternatives to G3 in the same price range:

- LG Otimus ONE
- Motorola Quench XT3
- Spice MI-300

Anonymous said...

Hi Playplus,

Thanks for your view. I will check out the other phones also in this range.



Sam said...

Hi PlayPlus, nice to the point review.

ok got a few questions:

after optimizing G3 for power saving, how much usage you get out of G3? or say how long it last under moderate use?

also what accessories are provided with it? & as LG O1 is released, what you feel is best price for G3, taking LG 01 to cost 13k?

last thing, LG 01 worth the extra money over G3? if usage not includes gaming or heavy multitasking. music + operamini/stock android browser.

last question. rooting the mobile, does it increase battery life? you rooted your G3? also 1 important thing. G3 comes with touchwiz 3.0. rooting will remove touchwiz interface? or some custom roms have touchwiz 3.0 - (minus) the useless widgets or locked apps. & lastly, whats the size of custom roms? appx size?


PlayPlus said...

* after optimizing G3 for power saving, how much usage you get out of G3? or say how long it last under moderate use?

- Around 48 Hrs. Know that on some models, there is a bug in battery life calculation and sometimes the charge will suddenly drop from 60% to 15%. Next firmware / OS update in expected to resolve this issue.

* also what accessories are provided with it? & as LG O1 is released, what you feel is best price for G3, taking LG 01 to cost 13k?

- Stereo Headset, Leather case and 2 Gb Micro SDCard. At this point in time, you should get G3 around 11k.

* last thing, LG 01 worth the extra money over G3? if usage not includes gaming or heavy multitasking. music + operamini/stock android browser.

- For 2D and light 3D gaming, as well as for moderate multitasking, G3 is a solid choice. Whether LG O1 is worht extra 2k? Depends upon how much you want higher resolution (but only 256k colors) and immediate FroYo experience. Multimedia performance is generally considered superior in Samsung phones.

* last question. rooting the mobile, does it increase battery life? you rooted your G3?

- As stated in the review, I have rooted my G3. From what I understand, it has no direct effect on battery life.

* also 1 important thing. G3 comes with touchwiz 3.0. rooting will remove touchwiz interface? or some custom roms have touchwiz 3.0 - (minus) the useless widgets or locked apps. & lastly, whats the size of custom roms? appx size?

- Rooting does NOT remove the TouchWiz 3.0. Some custom ROM work is in progress,but nothing is out yet.

Sam said...

thanks :)

1. well same happening to my current mobile. charge suddenly drops. hope Samsung listening to their customers.

2. no USB cable? or the charger have built-in USB cable? mobile store quoting it @ 12k. though i'll try get a quote from some local stores soon.

3. which according to you (your experience) is better: higher resolution + 256k colour or slightly lower resolution + 16M colour? i guess the latter. NOTE: won't watch videos on mobile. have PC for those. just browsing & gaming sometimes.

4. ok thanks. that was a big relief. so rooting won't affect Touchwiz 3.0.

PlayPlus said...

- A separate USB cable IS provided, of course. I didn't mention it before, because its a standard practice to include that with a smartphone, just like a charger! :)

- You should get G3 at 11k, but only after hard bargaining, as one of my friend did. Standard street price varies from 11.5k to 12k. I should have been more clear earlier...

- While rooting voids the warranty, know also that you can always UNroot your phone to gain back the warranty.

Sam said...

1. at least Samsung have that common sense that they need include a data cable. & i hope its not a pathetic 5inch long cable as was provided with Nokia 52**.

2. is the price after some sort of price cut or was it the same since a month? or say before LG O1 got out, was the price almost same? also huawei IDEOS launched here?

3. WOW. that was new to me. never heard that (no site mentioned it before). thanks a ton. :P

oh, 1 thing. can G3 charge off the USB port? when connected to pc.

Anonymous said...

how do i install d apps into memory card?? coz d default 1 is phone memory.. pls help!!

Anonymous said...

2. is the price after some sort of price cut or was it the same since a month? or say before LG O1 got out, was the price almost same?

I did not see any price drop atleast after o1 release. I bought G3 1 month before o1 release for 12k at univercell with bill and warrant.

can G3 charge off the USB port? when connected to pc

yes it does.

how do i install d apps into memory card?? coz d default 1 is phone memory.. pls help!!

you need to upgrade your phone's firmware from 2.1 to 2.2.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can tell when Samsung planning to release Froyo upgrade for G3

Anonymous said...

What a phone. really satisfied. Only issue i am facing, while typing its a bit difficult....

Anonymous said...

Very helpful i've read. Hope to buy th G3 but i wanted to know what games i can download and the quality of speakers, music etc are they good enough for one used to nokia 5800?

Anonymous said...

There is gud collection of games available at Android Market. As far audio quality concern.... its gud not excellent as i feel, you have option (3.5mm jack) check with other headset.

PlayPlus said...

You will never be disappointed with music quality of G3, if you are coming from Nokia 5800 XM. In fact, I'd say that G3 audio quality is BEST amongst the smartphones costing below 15k, beating both HTC Wildfire and LG Optimus One.

As for FroYo update status, check out following links:

1. General Samsung Galaxy 3 sub-forum over at XDA-developers:

2. Android Development forum, covering official FroYo ROM discussions:

Anonymous said...

PlayPlus I appreciate your review and they way you replying user's queries. Well done and keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

can we play .flv files on galaxy 3
please tell me is it possible to see and download youtube video on this fone

PlayPlus said...

* PlayPlus I appreciate your review and they way you replying user's queries. Well done and keep it up!!

- THANKS a ton for your kind remarks! They really keep me going :)

* can we play .flv files on galaxy 3
please tell me is it possible to see and download youtube video on this fone

- YES to both! To download YouTube vids, you need to install separate app from the market.

Anonymous said...

thanks play really helping us.
please tell me which video player coming with this fone. can we install VLC player in it.

Anonymous said...

Hi PlayPlus, I stay at Pune and am a vodafone user. I have been reading a lot of comments on call drops, network issues and battery problem of the G3... Is that something you can comment on? Any of that happenng to you... I have been thinking about taking this phone but these are a couple of things which are holding me back. Would appreciate your point of view on the same.

PlayPlus said...

1. please tell me which video player coming with this fone. can we install VLC player in it.

- The default video player offers simple interface and is capable of playing vids of format DivX, XviD, MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV and Real, up to DVD resolution. No HD though.

VLC Android port is still in development.

2. I have been reading a lot of comments on call drops, network issues and battery problem of the G3... Is that something you can comment on?

- I am an IDEA user, staying at Pune too. No call drops or network issues for me, except occasional hiccups due to weather and sometimes weak network coverage.

Regarding battery life, I think its unfair to single out G3 as almost all smartphones, including iPhone, Galaxy S, HTC models and even LG Optimus One needs to be charged once in 2 days. It is same with Galaxy 3. Refer tips given in above comments to maximize the battery life. Only problem is battery life CALCULATION. That is, on most of the handsets sometimes battery suddenly drops from 60% to 15%. This is a bug which has reportedly been rectified in the latest FroYo ROMs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your veiw on the same... Its more than helpful from hearing it from someone who is using the phone... One last thing. I know that there is a but with the battery beacuse of which the battery drops suddenly from 60% to 15% and you say your phone need charge eery 2nd day.. which is good for a smart phone... my issue is that there are a lot of people on the net who are saying that the battery barely lasts for 6 to 8 hrs.. or max for a day? Have you heard or seen anything of the sort. Also, can you point out to a dealer in Pune who is selling the phone at 11k... as I am only able to obtain it at close to 12k? Thanks in advance..

Anonymous said...

I am also using G3 since last two months. Battery is quite OK and justify your usage. I do use GPRS downloadings, Playing Video clips, listening music etc. and it last for 1.5 days. Yeah it very much true battery drops suddenly from 60% to 15% and full charge time is bit higher around 2.5 - 3 hrs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your view... appreciate your help. Last things where can you get it most inexpensively in Pune. You had mentioned about 11000 somewhere in Oune. Where can i get it at?

PlayPlus said...

* I know that there is a but with the battery beacuse of which the battery drops suddenly from 60% to 15% and you say your phone need charge eery 2nd day.. which is good for a smart phone... my issue is that there are a lot of people on the net who are saying that the battery barely lasts for 6 to 8 hrs.. or max for a day? Have you heard or seen anything of the sort.

- You need to know that I am applying some battery tweaks to make it last longer than an average user, in combination with battery saver Apps from the Market. 6 to 8 Hrs battery charge is horrible indeed and yes I have read *some* reports stating the same, but they aren't in majority.

* Last things where can you get it most inexpensively in Pune. You had mentioned about 11000 somewhere in Oune. Where can i get it at?

- Selling price of 11k..I heard that from some forum members. Search extensively and bargain hard, that’s all I can advice! Seeing how G3 isn't exactly new anymore, you might get lucky.

Anonymous said...

Hi PlayPlus & all, since last 15days I am getting inaccurate Google Sky informations like If I search for well known planet like Moon or Sun, the locatation indicated by device is totally wrong. I installed GPS booster also but no vain. Earlier it was so accurate I love to demostrate everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi PlayPlus,
awesome review no doubt u r a technical writer as it says on ur profile... keep up the good work..
BTW i am thinkin of buying this mobile n i am from Gandhidham,Gujarat. My questions to u r-
1. Camera quality- does flash make a differnce?
2. Samsung Kies- Does it have a better counter part?
3. Call Drops- Does recieving calls has a different process ? like sliding or something?

thank you and really ur language was amazng it kept me involved..

PlayPlus said...

Thanks Harry Potter! :)

1. According to me, the 3.2 MP Camera of Galaxy 3 is really good. Outdoor pics are of excellent quality, given the generally bright lighting conditions. Lack of flash, understandably, affects the quality of pics taken in poorly lit environments only.

2. You do not *need* Kies to browse and manage the phone content. There are many good alternaitves available in the Android Market. Check out my blog post about '10 coolest Android Apps' for more details.

3. Yes, you need to slide the horizontal bars to accept or reject calls. But you should be able to find button alternatives in the Market. With the FroYo update, you can even use Power button to reject the calls (needs to enable this setting first).

Anonymous said...

hey thanks.... i just bought it its fantastic only one problem.... battery!!!!!!
pls help

P.S. i started "harry potter " blog coz i thot that people would be intrested in knowing what they directly dont understand... it was foolish of me... y wud people ask a teenager.... n btw who cares about harry... twilight is in ..... n i thot of myself as a harry potter fan n geek...

Anonymous said...

nice description of features but i heard of that the phone is wcdma quite annoying if u r a 3g user . is it true?

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
I also faced the batter issue but I believe people who have been posting about the battery issue they are not charging it fully.
The charging is not full when the battery stops moving when on the charger. It gets completely filled in light blue color and the Electrifying logo disappears from the battery. Plus you have the notification in the Android bar on left top stating that the battery is fully charged and you may disconnect it from the power.

To get the full charge it almost takes 4-5 hours. Then I have observed that the battery easily lasts for 3 days with the Wifi and Google sync on.

Hope this helps to all the G3 users.

Personally I feel this phone is an excellent piece changed the view about the Samsung's quality at least for the G3 not commenting on the other Samsung products. :)

Anonymous said...

hi u said what is true but what about that the phone is wcdma and not hspa i bought it without knowing this and i am repenting .
i was shocked at this time when all phones in market are hsdpa how can they make it wcdma.

Chirayu Desai said...

G3 is really a excellent value for money phone
I own it and it is really a great phone but am waiting for the official 2.2 or perhaps 2.3 update

Hage said...

When my friend told me about this gadget and then I found the article on your blog... Wow! Awesome. This is what I am looking for! A mini galaxy! But I love the simplicity of the design of front and back of this smartphone.

Thanks for sharing!

Kaushal said...

i have read most of the post and find them informative.
however i find in some internet site that Galaxy 3 is in the price range of 8K+ and in other its in price range of 11K +
are these 2 different variants or one and the same? Cause the Specification shown is almost identical.

Meghu said...

Samsung Galaxy 3 is a lower end Android-based smartphone. This handset is very comfortable to hold, dual-core 1.8 GHz processor, 2GB of RAM, internal storage is 170MB, available in Black and White color options.Samsung’s Galaxy 3 is priced for Rs. 12,300 For more details refer

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