
Friday, July 9, 2010

PC vs PS3 Gaming Experience

Strange as it may sound, I am finding gaming experience on PS3 far more enjoyable than that on PC.

 1. Could it just be the 'new' feeling of playing on PS3, using a wireless controller, sitting comfortably on a chair, away from the monitor without the need of accessing the keyboard and mouse?
 2. No more fiddling with Graphics settings to achieve a playable and stable frame-rate. Out-of-the-box playability is ensured with any PS3 title as all the games run exactly same (30 fps or more) anywhere in the world!  Oh, and they look absolutely gorgeous most of the times..
3. Varied gameplay: Traditionally, PCs are a forte for RPGs and strategy games. Platformers seem to be tailor-made for consoles (Little Big Planet, Uncharted). Hack-n-slashers too are finding a comfortable zone lately (see God of War). Heavy Rain, which utilizes analog stick rotations and sixaxis movements, was a thoroughly fun experience as well.
4. The whole experience of browsing thru PlayStation Store to download game demos, media, themes and personalizing your little gaming system..well, nothing revolutionary but I liked it, if only coz I didn't fiddle with anything like that before.  
5. I am not a social player, so the Friends feature, chat, community and multilayer gaming aspects remains untouched as of now. But its comforting to know that all the social features are so easily accessible. The multi-player aspect of Uncharted 2 is quite popular so might give it a try..don't know.


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